At work.Vesna Vidrih
Solo Exhibitions
2001: Ceramic Exhibiton – Gallery Meduza, Piran, Slovenia
2005: Work of the Month – Marija Snežna Church, Piran, Slovenia
2008: Porcelain Exhibition – Marjan Lovšin gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010: Porcelain and ceramic Exhibition – Gallery Lična hiša, Ajdovščina, Slovenia
2011: Porcelain Exhibition – MMG Gallery, Vrhnika, Slovenia
Selected Group Exhibitions
2000: International Ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2001: International Ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2001: Art and Craft exhibition – Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2001: Ceramics Societies Exhibition – Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia
2004: First Slovene Ceramics biennial »Na svoji zemlji« – Predjama Castle, Postojna, Slovenia
2004: International ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2004: Slovene Ceramics Anthology 1964 – 2004 – Castle Podsreda and National Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005: Ceramics in City Hall – Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005: International Ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2006: Ceramics Societies Exhibition – Pottery village Filovci, Slovenia
2007: International Ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2008: Ceramics in City Hall – Ljubljana, Slovenia
2008: International Ceramics Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2009: Ceramic in City Hall – Ljubljana, Slovenia
2009: International Ceramic Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2010: International Ceramic Ex Tempore – Piran, Slovenia
2010: Ceramic in City Hall – Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011: International Mixed Exhibition – Usak University, Turkey
2012: Unicum 2012; From traditional to modern ceramics, Slovenska Bistrica Castle, Slovenia
2013: International Ceramic Exhibition, Ceramic Center Sidi Kacem Jelizi – Tunis, Tunisia
Ustvarjanje v keramiki spominja na življenje samo.
V stiku s primarnimi elementi zemlje, vode, zraka in ognja
sem se učila umetnosti potrpežljivosti.
Proces dela v keramiki zahteva čas,
ki ga ne moreš obiti ali ubrati krajšo pot.
Vsak korak vakega postopka, šepeta zakonitosi narave samo pozornim.
Tudi končen izdelek je kot življenje.
Trden v svoji strukturi materiala a vendar tako krhek v svoji obliki.
Keramika me uči nenavezanosti v minljivosti nenehnosti spremembe.
He who works with his hands is a Laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a Craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an Artist.
― St. Francis Of Assisi
Kdor dela z rokami, je Delavec.
Kdor dela z rokami in z glavo, je Obrtnik.
Kdor dela z rokami in z glavo in s srcem, je Umetnik.
- Frančišek Asiški
Creation in ceramics is like life itself.
In touch with primal elements of earth, water, air and fire
one is thought the art of patience.
In ceramic art, there are no shortcuts or bypasses.
Its process of work demands time.
Every step and every procedure whispers the laws of nature only to the mindful.
The final object again resembles life.
Firm in its structure, yet fragile in its form.
Ceramics is teaching me unattachment in transience of eternal change